Sunday, May 13, 2001

Brian's Birthday. (May 2001)

Brian emailed me last week and mentioned that it was his birthday. So of course I rushed right home and made him a cake. Now, when I showed it to people, they all said, "don't you think it's a little bit feminine for a guy's cake?" Well, no, I didn't think so at all, but once they mentioned it I started worrying about it, and even warned Brian in advance, but he ended up loving the cake. I can't take credit for the design (it's a Wilton design), but I take full credit for actually making the cake.

The frosting is peach colored. The little balls that form the border were made with a #8 tip, and then I dipped my finger in cornstarch to flatten down the little peak of icing that forms as you pull the tip away, in order to make them more spherical.

You can see Brian posing with his cake in the last picture

Problems: It was hard to get the right shade of yellow for the ribbon. But basically, I had no real problems making this cake. Oh, wait, yes I did. I almost forgot. This cake was baked in 2 6-inch pans. Since these are smaller pans than normal, I had some extra batter. So I just dumped it in the pans too, so that the cake would rise higher. Well, it rose right past the top of the pans, and it took quite a while to cook I think I must have baked it 35 minutes before all was said and done. It took forever for the middle of the cake to cook. I was really afraid I was going to have to scrap it and start over.