Sunday, March 18, 2001

Rose Cake (March 2001)

I didn't use a cake mix for this one--I made it totally from scratch. I didn't make it for any special occasion, as far as I can remember, except I had just learned how to make roses and I was eager to practice them. I just took it into work the next day for everyone to eat. It disappeared quickly--especially once Azzolina discovered it. :) I originally wanted to make it look like a basket of roses, but I think I ran out of stiff icing, so I had to make due with the few roses I'd managed to squeeze out. Also, note in the last photo how happy Stephanie and Shiva are to be eating my cake, so you know it's gotta be tasty!

Problems: Not many problems. Basically, I should have planned out how many roses I was going to need for the top, but this wasn't a planned cake to begin with. I just spontaneously decided to make a cake to use the roses I'd just learned to make. (Roses were the whole reason I took the beginning cake class. I mean it.)