The First Cake (February 2001)
Although I've decorated hundreds, maybe thousands of cookies in my life, I don't think I'd ever decorated a cake before I took this class. I took at at Fantes. It was 3 sessions, and cost only $30 total. It was taught by Debbie Lang, who is a *fantastic* teacher. I highly recommend this class to just about anyone who has any interest in decorating. For me, it's just fun, but there are several people in the class who are also have a business of some sort.
We all had to bring an iced cake for the 2nd class and then we decorated them there at Fantes with the techniques we were learning. This was mine. At the time, it was the most beautiful cake I had ever seen. I couldn't believe I'd created it myself. In retrospect, it's not all that good, I suppose, but i was very proud of it at the time.